Monday, November 14, 2011

A Dream Within a Dream

Why do dreams have such a drastic effect on our waking life? One little dream skews your whole day. A good dream can make your whole day so much brighter, even if it happens to be the worst day you've had in a month. A bad dream casts a pall over a good day and makes it seem dreadful.

Dreams don't even really mean anything. The most random of thoughts congeal into chaotic ramblings your brain doesn't even have control over.

You dream about a friend of yours that screws you over and the next day you have an irrational distrust of them.

You dream about a girl you know and for the next week, you think you have a crush on her.

You dream about a girl you do have a crush on and you hate her for a week because you dreamt about her dating someone you dislike.

You dream about someone you haven't thought about for a decade and you can't get them out of your head for the next month.

You dream about your job, you dream about your home, you dream about the gym, you dream about that girl, you dream about a girl, you dream about some girl, you dream about snow, you dream about sun, you dream about trees, you dream about bees, you dream about wheels, you dream about seals, you dream about water, you dream about rain, you dream about dreams, you dream about yourself.

They don't mean anything.
But somehow they mean everything.

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