Sunday, February 27, 2011

I Get Excited by Poking Fun at Scientology

I'm what many people have deemed "stoic". I don't get excited very much. It usually looks to the casual observer like I'm not paying attention or that I don't care about anything. I look, to say the least, apathetic. At one point, a doctor suggested the possibility of my being bi-polar (i think he lost his license for it, it was so far off) to which I seem to recall my sister saying something to the effect "Craig?! He's the most even-keeled person I know..."

This is not to say that I don't enjoy things and get excited about things, I guess I just don't show it. The flip side of this is that I genuinely do enjoy things. It isn't superficial. I may not gush all over something someone gives me. To the point, where people have actually taken offense that I haven't. But I'll still have what you gave me 8 years from then. It's just a matter of what you value more. If you value seeing someone fall over with unabashed embellishment, you are going to have to look elsewhere, but if you want someone who will actually appreciate a gift more as time passes rather than the moment its received, then you might look in my direction.

Although, there are rare occasions in which I do get excited. It is usually those moments when my friends are actually shocked at how excited I got. Take as an example; in college, I was chilling with my friends Jess and Van. I happened to see in the newspaper that there was a Church of Scientology down the road and I became inordinately excited at the prospect of going to the church and taunting them; pretending like I might join, etc. To which they thought they'd seen a ghost and reacted as such. I had no idea why they were so shocked until they explained that they had never seen me that animated before. It goes to show that you can know yourself but you can't always know how others see you.

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