Thursday, October 7, 2010

Snakes Eating Their Own Tails

Balance is a tricky subject. It contains itself in an odd way. If you look at the world in a vacuum and use language to describe it, there exists opposing forces. Binary language only represents something the entire world has already been made of long before it was invented. Everything that can be described is only a sliding scale between two opposing extremes that never exist. It's like infinity, you never reach it, but it exists as a concept to give you some kind of inkling where 100,000 is in relation to other numbers.

Anyway, balance is the most ridiculous pole in this equation. You use the word balance to talk about other polar opposites. The balance between good and evil. The balance between light and dark. The balance between best and worst.

But now you also have to place balance on an axis of its own with its polar opposite being chaos. So now you have to find the balance between balance and chaos: a balance between balance? wrap your mind around that. Its a never ending cycle. Try to get to infinity.

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